Women in Geoscience

The Namibian Hydrogeological Association (NHA), a non-profit organisation of surface and groundwater professionals who aim to promote the study and science of hydrology and hydrogeology. The NHA aims to serve, inform, and advise the public in matters of surface and groundwater development, its use and protection. The association was established shortly after Independence (1990).

In aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3 and 8 of the United Nations SDG3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages; SDG8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, the NHA  once again joined the international community in celebrating Ada Lovelace Day, a day internationally celebrated to acknowledge and celebrate the contribution and achievement of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

For the 2022 Celebration of Women in Geoscience the aspect of work-life balance was the theme of the evening, with guest speaker (Sheron Kaviua- Vice President of operations at Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation), in a panel discussion with Helke Mocke- Geoscientist, (Paleontologist), Gettie Shiinda (Hydrogeologist), Vistorina Do Cabo, Independent Geoscientist. The panel and the evening was moderated by Ester Gustavo (Hydrogeologist). 

The theme Work - Life Balance, aimed at targeting the challenges around career planning as women who may or may not potentially have other demanding responsibilities of marriage and motherhood and balancing these acts while remaining efficient and indispensable to their offices. 

At the end of the evening, we could answer the question, does work-life balance exist?

  • Work-life balance does exist.

  • Work-life balance does not mean if you spent 8 hours at work you must also spend 8 hours at home, some days one may have more than the other, and that is okay.

  • Work-Life balance does not happen automatically, you must create it intentionally.

  • Work -life balance is different for every lady, and different at different stages of your life.

  • Work-life balance is achieved by having an active and intentional relationship with your finances, your mental state, and personal development. Thus, it is important to get yourself a financial advisor, a therapist, a life-coach amongst other coaches.

  • Work-life balance is achieved by learning to be your most effective at work (as far as possible) so that you can leave work at the office and when you get home, you focus only on the non-office part of your life. This inlcudes turning off your work notifications when you get home and vice-versa as much as realistically possible.

  • Work-life balance is achieved when you plan for your career so that you can be pre-emptive about making the necessary changes ahead of time to accommodate your new season.

There were additionally also some practical ways mothers in this field shared what works for them and have shared the following tips: 

  • As far as possible, organise your field work to align with school holidays,

  • Take your children with you, and a nanny,

  • Create a strong support system, to step in when you need to go away or when you need a day to recoup.

Namibian Hydrogeological Association can be contacted at: Email Address: nha.namibia@gmail.com; Website: www.namhydro.com

Below are some of the pictures of the event


Mining Expo 2022


The Yellow Brush